
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Botsan - Kharchenko: Russia does not prefer division of Kosovo & Metohia, but it would not be a precedent either

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 | Уреднички колегијум 0

Russia's ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko has said that Russia generally does not support division of Kosovo and Metohia (with ilegal Albanian separatists), but that he didn't understand the argument that it would be a European precedent either.

#Russia, #Kosovo #Metohia #Serbia #Ilegal #Albanian #Separatists
Botsan - Kharchenko

In an interview with Belgrade's Politika newspaper, the Russian diplomat said that his country did not support any solution for the Kosovo and Metohia problem in advance.

It is only through lengthy negotiations that a compromise can be reached, while "no scheme designed on the outside and forced into acceptance can create a durable foundation," the Russian ambassador said in the Sept. 15 interview for Politika.

Botsan-Kharchenko said that relations between Belgrade and Moscow "seeing an unprecedented rise."

"Serbia holds an important place in Russia's foreign policy, these are long-term interests," the ambassador said.

He also said that "Serbia is indeed a Russian stronghold, as much as Russia is Serbia's," but it's not "Russia's only stronghold, as Russia is developing relations with other European states, too."

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